「Feeel;d」Feel, Design. Connecting Designers To The World.
Agnes worked at Feeel;D, the social networking platform company specialized for architectural students based in Korea, for an year and half as a project manager and an editor. As the firm's motives, which is "connecting architecture to the world", she featured and interviewed multiple architectural projects designed by architecture students. Not only wrote the news about them, she also edited and published an annual magazine which contains all the architectural projects featured in the social platform. She also programmed and launched an architecture tour project, “Feeel;cnic”, based on the social platform, by providing architectural workshop along with the tours. This project management experience helped her to construct her strong logic in business, which can be extended to architectural thesis.
Used Skills : Project Management, Product Design, Rhinoceros, Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop Received the Most Achievement Award © All copyrights reserved to Feeel;d, CEO : Dongyun Shin
“The mini-studio workshop idea makes the tour program extraordinary among the other tour programs!”
“I wish the mini-studio time was longer. It was so fun and allowed me to understand the region more deeply!”
“The chill vibe of the tour program made me feel traveling with friends. I really enjoyed Feeel;cnic in Yeonnam.”
“I did not know Yeonnam is such a cool place! Thank you for our tour leader!”