SCI-Arc | Design Studio | Fall 2019
Instructor : David Ruy | Partners : Daniel Lee, Phil Hood
This project's proposal is to hide and then reveal trash in a way that advertises it as art with value. In stark contrast to the tumultuous city of Tokyo a large Tabula Rasa covers the site while slits reveal the massive piles of trash in compacted cubes underneath. These blocks seem to be placed at random but upon certain perspective look like familiar figures.

It is important to communicate what creates the island that visitors are inhabiting, yet not in a way that feels like a museum. We convey this information through experience and intrigue. The foreign landscape is unlike anything currently in civilization. It is just as real as creating a fully inhabitable island out of trash and recycling. The figures blurred by the low resolution of compacted blocks of trash, inspire intrigue and moments where the visitor or viewer second guesses themselves with disbelief of what lies before his or her eyes.